Ecstatic Dance @ Conscious Dance Festival – Retreat Edition

Mridu Cosnious Dance Festival

For the very first time the CONSCIOUS DANCE FESTIVAL will be presented as a special retreat edition over five magical days. And to ensure maximum relaxation it will be held at the serene OSHO Afroz Meditation Centre on the beautiful Greek island of Lesvos!

Ecstatic Radiance will be joining CDF festival with Mridu sharing Ecstatic dance along with other facilitators from all around the world.

As a five-days retreat format we will have more space to dive deeper into exploring the uplifting world of conscious dance approaches. Our team of internationally renowned facilitators will provide a diverse program of juicy styles for you to enjoy.

CONSCIOUS DANCE FESTIVAL (Berlin, Barcelona, Lisbon and London) was born from the desire to use movement to reach into the very centre of our being. It is an opportunity to learn about and experience various movement practices that help us get into our bodies and from there, to open up to a more conscious life.

By dancing freely and totally, we allow ourselves to release physical and emotional tensions in a playful and simple way. This creates space for creativity, silence, joy and deep connection to oneself and to life.

The festival presents a diverse program featuring some of the many approaches to conscious movement that have emerged over recent decades, as well as an introduction to the more traditional ones. The careful curation ensures that the workshops feel like a wave of rising and falling energies, so that participants are able to enjoy each aspect to its fullest, without getting fatigued.

Our group of innovative and experienced facilitators create a supportive and nurturing space for you to move into your inner realms. The CONSCIOUS DANCE FESTIVAL is designed as a truly unique and exhilarating experience that will take you on a profound inner journey.

Give yourself the gift of being part of this deeply transformative experience!

This is a festival for everyone. No previous dance nor meditation experience required. All bodies and levels are welcome. Children are allowed on the campus yet not in the workshops.

Ecstatic Dance Rising !!! with Mridu & Lefteris G

Ecstatic Dance Rising !!! with Mridu & Lefteris G
** for English scroll down
📣 Σας προσκαλούμε σε ένα ξεχωριστό ECSTATIC DANCE EVENT
με τον Mridu Παύλο Κριαράκη ( Ecstatic Radiance ) Guidance & Decks και τον Λευτέρη Γρηγορίου ( Τα Κρουστα της Τακη ) σε ζωντανή μουσική (Djembe ,ngoni, Gaida κ.α)
🕐 Χρονοδιάγραμμα
Παρασκευη 20 Μαίου 2022
🔺 19:30 – 20:00 Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν & προθέρμανση:
🔺 20:00 Opening Circle
🔺 20:15 – 22:15 Ecstatic Dance Mridu&Lefteris
🔺 22:15 Closing Circle
🔺 22:30 Λήξη
📍 Τοποθεσία: ΤΑ ΚΡΟΥΣΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΤΑΚΗ Πλαταιών 10 3os Οροφος Κεραμεικός
Η εκδήλωση είναι φιλική προς την οικογένεια (παιδιά 11 ετών και κάτω χορεύουν δωρεάν!)
Επειδή οι θέσεις είναι περιορισμένες δηλώστε υποχρεωτικά συμμετοχή στέλνοντας mail στο αναφέροντας το ονομα του event, τα πλήρη ονόματα και mail ολων που κλεινουν θέσεις κ ίσως καποιο κινητο τηλ για επικοινωνία!
✅ Τιμή 15 € – ( Εάν κάποιος έχει οικονομικό πρόβλημα ας μας στείλει μήνυμα στην σελίδα και θα το ακούσουμε!)
Σας ευχαριστούμε που υποστηρίζετε τη μουσική και τον χορό αυτές τις στιγμές.
🔈 Ακούστε τον Mridu:

Σχετικά με τον Ecstatic Dance

Στο Ecstatic Dance, συμμετέχουμε για να δημιουργήσουμε έναν ασφαλή και ιερό χώρο για χορό. Η απουσία της ομιλίας στην πίστα μας επιτρέπει να κινηθούμε έξω από τα κεφάλια μας και στο σώμα, την καρδιά και την ψυχή μας. Αφήνουμε πίσω τα λόγια και τις ανησυχίες της ημέρας και συνδεόμαστε με το πνεύμα μας και ο ένας τον άλλον μέσω νέων οδών. Έχει δημιουργηθεί για να χρησιμεύσει ως ένα ασφαλές δοχείο, είτε χορεύουμε μόνοι μας είτε με άλλους.

Βασικές Οδηγίες

@ Χορεύουμε ξυπόλητοι.
@ Δεν υπάρχει κουβέντα στην πίστα.
@ Αυτό είναι ένα περιβάλλον χωρίς ναρκωτικά, χωρίς καπνό και χωρίς αλκοόλ.
@ Χωρίς κινητά τηλέφωνα, φωτογραφίες και βίντεο που να μας κρατούν παρόντες στο χορό. (κρατήστε τα κινητά στο πλάι για αυτές τις 2 ώρες και απολαύστε)
@ Θυμηθείτε, χορεύουμε για να νιώθουμε καλά, όχι για να δείχνουμε καλά.
@ Καμία κρίση. Είμαστε όλοι στα δικά μας προσωπικά ταξίδια. Μετακινήστε το σώμα σας όπως θέλετε.
@ Να έχετε επίγνωση του χώρου γύρω σας και να σέβεστε τα όρια των άλλων.
@ Μπορείτε να χορέψετε μόνοι σας ή με όσους παρτενέρ θέλετε. (Αν προτιμάτε να μην χορέψετε με κάποιον, ευχαριστήστε τον για την προσφορά βάζοντας τα χέρια σας στη θέση προσευχής στην καρδιά σας – Namaste.)

Φέρτε μαζί σας:
@ Μπουκάλι νερό
@ Δεύτερο μπλουζάκι
@ Ελαφριά ρούχα για χορό
Τα λέμε στο Dance floor ♥️
insta: @ecstaticradiance
** English Version
We invite you to a special Ecstatic Dance with Mridu Pavlos Kriarakis ( Ecstatic Radiance ) Guidance & Decks and Lefteris Grigoriou ( Ta Krousta tis Taki ) with live music (Djembe, Ngoni, Gaida and more!)
Time schedule
FRIDAY 20 May 2022
🔺 19:30 – 20:00 Doors open & Warm Up
🔺 20:00 Opening Circle
🔺 20:15 – 22:15 Ecstatic Dance Mridu
🔺 22:15 Closing Circle
🔺 22:30 End
📌 Location: Ta Krousta tis Taki Plateon 10 Keramikos 3rd floor
As the places are limited, reservation is mandatory, sending a mail at mentioning the event, the full names and emails of all the applicants and eventually a phone number for communication.
✅ Price €15 (If anyone has financial problems let us know on the page and we will listen!)
Thank you for supporting music & dance in these times.
The event is family-friendly (kids 11 and younger dance for free!)

About Ecstatic Dance

At Ecstatic Dance, we join to create a safe and sacred space for dancing. The absence of talking on the dance floor allows us to move out of our heads and into our bodies, hearts and souls. We leave behind both the words and worries of the day and connect with our spirits and one another through new avenues. It has been created to serve as a safe container, whether we’re dancing alone, or with others.

Basic Guidelines

  • We are dancing barefoot.
  • There is no talking on the dance floor.
  • This is a drug-free, smoke-free and alcohol-free environment.
  • No cellphones, photos & or videos to keep us present in the dance. ( keep cellphones in the side for these 2 hours and enjoy )
  • Remember, we’re dancing to feel good, not to look good.
  • No judgement. We are all on our own personal journeys. Move your body however you wish.
  • Have awareness of the space around you and respect the boundaries of others.
  • You can dance alone, or with as many partners as you’d like. (If you’d rather not dance with someone, thank them for the offer by placing your hands in prayer position at your heart – Namaste.)
Bring with you:
@ Bottle of Water
@ Second T-shirt
@ Loose clothes for dance
See you on the Dance-floor
Ecstatic radiance Team
insta: @ecstaticradiance

Ecstatic Dance Athens with Mridu

Ed 2021 Ath Kabeiria Other

Ecstatic Dance on Saturday 20 November 19:30 with Mridu & the Ecstatic Radiance Team.

Mridu is the co-creator of Ecstatic Radiance, he works in different healing modalities such as Ecstatic Dance, From Separation to Unity (FSTU), Active Meditation, BBTRS Breath, Tantra and more. He has been a dj and facilitator for more than 2 decades sharing techniques that supports the human awakening.

Listen to Mridu:

Location: Case de Arte Kabeiria Ηρακλειδών 74, 10551, Metro Station Kerameikos

You need to register your spot by sending email at

Price €15 – If you have money, please CONSIDER PAYING MORE for your tickets as this will help finance not only the artists and the dance, but also the LOWER PRICED TICKETS.

Please Bring Exact amount.

The lower priced tickets are reserved for people who also need to dance, but cannot afford a regular priced ticket. Everyone should be able to attend movement meditations.

Thank you for supporting dance in these times.

required: 48 hours Rapid or PCR negative covid test, proof of vaccinaction or recovery

Both Events are family friendly event (kids 11 and younger dance for free!)

Events TimeSchedule

Saturday 20 November 19:30 – 22:30

Doors open & Warm Up: 19:30 – 20:00

Opening Circle: 20:00

Ecstatic Dance Mridu: 20:15 – 22:15

Closing Circle: 22:15

End: 22:30

Ecstatic Dance Xmass Special – The “Ho ho ho” Experience w/ Mridu

Ed 24 Dec Hres
Ecstatic Dance Xmass Special – The “Ho ho ho” Experience w/ Mridu
11:30 Connecting & Tech check
11:45 Opening Ecstatic Dance circle
13:45 Closing circle
AUDIO STREAMING ( High Quality )
Like Ecstatic Radiance of Life
About Mridu
Mridu, creator and founder of Ecstatic Dance Radiance & Ecstatic Radiance of Life. He works with different modalities individual sessions and group work. Ecstatic Dance is one of his favourite sessions, healing & joy.

Ecstatic Dance LiveStreaming w/ Mridu (Ecstatic Dance Radiance)

Mridu Ed Dec.2020
Ecstatic Dance w/ Mridu (Ecstatic Dance Radiance)
19:30 Connecting & tech check
19:45 Ecstatic Dance
21:45 Closing + Good-Bye
AUDIO STREAMING ( High Quality )
Like Ecstatic Radiance of Life
About Mridu
Mridu, creator and founder of Ecstatic Dance Radiance & Ecstatic Radiance of Life. He works with different modalities individual sessions and group work. Ecstatic Dance is one of his favourite sessions, healing & joy.

(From Separation To Unity) FSTU Ecstatic Dance with Mridu & Kaifi

Fstu Ecstatic
FSTU – Ecstatic Dance Radiance in Unity
A conscious meditative journey alternating Stillness & Movement incorporating body, mind & soul. A holistic structure that facilitates Breathing, Relaxing, Receiving, Remembering and owning the experience in every cell of your body with existential joy.
Using Ecstatic Dance we move through the body allowing the expression of natural body movements supported by world, tribal organic sounds and beats. When the physical body has become ecstatic, alive, joyful then the whole being is moving towards Joy & relaxation. Then space for the radiance of our infinity energy is open, the flow has started. Stillness becomes the natural outcome of body expression. Then we move into sitting relaxed in stillness.
In this space of stillness; the journey continues with a heart-focused guided journey, allowing the dynamics (of the heart) to expand and radiate a space of trust, vulnerability, and love. In this space, energy has started flowing again.
For this event, it is necessary to have video and audio so that we can see and hear you. For the Ecstatic Dance; prepare an open space so you can dance freely including movement and flow with the whole body. An external speaker connected to your laptop makes the experience better as you can have a louder sound for the dance.
For the second part make sure that you find a place where you can sit comfortably and where you will not be disturbed during this session, being considerate of the other participants’ experience as well as yours.
Please join the meeting 5 minutes before as we cannot accept participants who are late, for practical reasons. The journey will be facilitated by Kaifi (creator of FSTU) & Mridu K (creator of Ecstatic Radiance & FSTU Team member)
You can stay updated with our events related to the Heart’s atmosphere by following our Facebook page FSTU From Separation To Unity – Heart Consciousness Evolution.
This is a Free event however we welcome your loving donations at:
All donations will be used to create more awareness around these events so that more people can benefit from this process of remembrance. Our commitment is to support the unfolding of Heart Consciousness around the world.
To experience the full potential of FSTU, consider booking an individual soul-nourishing session with Kaifi or Mridu
You can find out more about Kaifi:
To register your spot for this FREE here: From-separation-to-unityfstu-ecstatic-dance-tickets