Fstu2022 practitioners training

(FSTU) From Separation To Unity Facilitators Training

Let’s take part in activating the heart of humanity!

This unique FSTU Practitioner Training Programme starts with you. Your unique experience in this profound journey of remembrance, heart-healing and transformation provides the best foundation for inspiring and supporting others, Now, when our world needs this more than ever. This training is designed to create and develop trust & confidence in your intuition and facilitate access to higher intelligence.

This Training is Facilitated by Kaifi, Mridu & Ecstatic Radiance Team are part of the Mentoring Team. This is training suitable for everyone who wants to facilitate healing work and circles on all levels including Ecstatic Dance Sessions.

Learn more about (FSTU) From Separation To Unity Practitioner Training: https://www.fromseparationtounity.com/course/training-from-separation-to-unity/

P.S. This Training does not include DJ and mixing skills and techniques, soon FSTU & Ecstatic Radiance will lunch the other training to cover this topic.


Sep 18 - 25 2022


All Day




Osho Afroz
Osho Afroz
Lesvos Island, Eressos, Osho Afroz


Ecstatic Radiance
Ecstatic Radiance


  • Mridu
    Founder of Ecstatic Radiance

    Mridu is the founder of Ecstatic Radiance – a Community Healing Movement. At Ecstatic Radiance, together with friends, he co-creates & shares the gift of healing and self-development. Meditation & awareness is the base of Ecstatic Radiance with an opening to all directions and healing modalities, always with deep respect and love towards any form of life.

    He is a Mentor & Trainer of (FSTU) From Separation To Unity – Heart Consciousness Evolution. FSTU is a healing system that arose intuitively and aligns with the latest scientific research into Heart Consciousness.
    He was born in Greece; In 2007, he visited the Osho Afroz Meditation Center, where he met a new way of life through Meditation & healing. He fell in love with the conscious way of living and working with people.

    All his work effort comes down to a single line of using different modalities as a vehicle to open the body/mind and access deeper spaces of consciousness, joy, presence & healing: a vision & a way to transform the individual conditioned human into a holistic, conscious being.

    He has trained in Osho Meditative Therapies ( Mystic Rose, No Mind, Born Again ), Biodynamic Breathwork BBTRS, Tantra, Osho Active Meditations, and Sound Healing, and he is a Reiki Master.

  • kaifi
    FSTU Founder

    Kaifi Iraklis Kokologiannis, creator of ‘FSTU – From Separation to Unity’ and co-founder of Oneness Act has been trained in and initiated into many different methods and techniques. He is a licensed HeartMath® Coach & Mentor, a facilitator’s trainer of OSHO Meditative Therapies as well as a certified practitioner of DVNLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
    For many years now Kaifi has been working with individuals, couples and groups all around the world. The trainings, courses and retreats he facilitates has moved many hearts and continues to inspire and transform people globally, including the Conscious Healing Journey through Life & Death (Die Before You Die – The Art of Let Go)
    The main sources of inspiration for Kaifi’s work have been his own life experiences and above all his way of living, which has been ‘on the edge’ for many years. At a certain moment a point of transformation occurred when the concept of ‘From Separation to Unity’ (FSTU) was born. It’s an elegant system of Energy Healing that was created intuitively, yet in complete accord with the latest scientific research on Heart Consciousness. In 2017 Kaifi developed “The FSTU Practitioner Training” for individuals, couples and groups.
    Born on the Greek island of Crete, Kaifi has since traveled extensively around the world. He is currently living at and participating fully in all dimensions of the international community, located in the valley of Eresos on the Greek island of Lesvos.
    The recent experience (2015) of becoming a father has served as a rediscovery of life and a reawakening of life’s amazing qualities!