Ecstatic Dance Saturdays present 5Rhythms class with Dagmar Cee

Ed 16 sept 23 website
Ecstatic Dance @ Osho Afroz Meditation Center, Lesvos Island, Greece.
Every Saturday for summer 2023


Saturday 16th September 5Rhythms class with Dagmar Cee

Ecstatic Dance Saturdays 16th September 2023

12:00 – Open door
12:20 – Opening Circle
12:50 – 5Rhythm class with Dagmar Cee
14:50 – Closing


🙏 Contribution 10€ or what you feel


💥 About Ecstatic Dance
Ecstatic Dance is a community gathering that encourages freedom and expression through Dance. Join us and experience a safe and inspiring space to dance without talking, alcohol consumption or the general nightclub vibe. It is about self-expression, freeing your body and mind, and connecting with yourself and those around you.
Ecstatic Dance empowers people from all walks of life to freely express themselves, regardless of shape, size or background. The liberating atmosphere creates a melting pot of acceptance, while the fearlessness with which people move gives newcomers the courage to dance without inhibition.


Ecstatic Dance will be happening at Osho Afroz Buddha Grove, a fantastic space of 300m2 combining Marble & Wood. An area where friends are meditating and celebrated for more than 30 years. A Dance-floor with an Ancient OAK tree at the Center.

How to get to Osho Afroz (google maps)


Ecstatic Dance Saturdays presents Gramya 5Rhythms Class

Ed 1 july 23 web sq
Ecstatic Dance Saturdays & Ecsattic Radiance welcomes the mother modality of modern conscious movement 5RHYTHMS.
Gramya is a certified teacher of 5Rhythms and loves to spread vibes and expansion through this groundbreaking modality.
Saturday, 01 July 2023

Ecstatic Dance Schedule

12:00 – Open door
12:20 – Opening Circle with Gramya & Mridu
12:50 – 5Rhythm class with Gramya
14:50 – Closing
🙏 Energy Exchange 10€
💥 About Ecstatic Dance
Ecstatic Dance is a community gathering that encourages freedom and expression through Dance. Join us and experience a safe and inspiring space to dance without talking, alcohol consumption or the general nightclub vibe. It is about self-expression, freeing your body and mind, and connecting with yourself and those around you.
Ecstatic Dance empowers people from all walks of life to express themselves freely, regardless of shape, size or background. The liberating atmosphere creates a melting pot of acceptance, while the fearlessness with which people move gives newcomers the courage to dance without inhibition.
Ecstatic Dance will be happening at Osho Afroz Buddha Grove, a fantastic space of 300m2 combining Marble & Wood. An area where friends are meditating and celebrated for more than 30 years. A Dance-floor with an Ancient OAK tree at the Center.
💥 About 5Rhythms
5Rhythms is a dynamic movement meditation.
It’s a free dance embodied practice aiming at increasing awareness and presence in the here and now.
Each of the rhythms has a different energy, and will have a unique flavor for each individual.
Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness
Dancing through all the 5rhythms is called a wave.
While in Flowing we can connect to our roots feeling deeply into who we are.
Finding clarity, intention and passion during the Staccato part.
In Chaos, there is an invitation to let go of all the unnecessary baggage we carry,
so we can lighten up in Lyrical to find expansion and ecstasy.
Stillness will bring about centering and healing through the vastness of the empty space.

How to get to Osho Afroz (google maps)